Parmesan Baked Potato Halves



Now this may not be the prettiest of side dishes, but it is one of the scrummiest.  These potatoes come out crunchy and crispy, and I love them because I can toss the tray into the oven and let it bake away while I prepare the rest of the meal.  So don’t be put off by their appearance, they’re a quick, easy and very more-ish side-dish that will have the family fighting over the last one.

Parmesan Baked Potato Halves


P1010311-0018 small Washed Potatoes, skin on

1/4 Cup Butter

Grated Parmesan Cheese

Garlic Powder (You may opt for fresh herbs instead)


Preheat your oven to 200C.

Cut potatoes into halves

Place butter in the bottom of the baking dish you are planning to use and place into the oven to melt the butter.

Watch carefully that the butter doesn’t burn.

When butter has melted remove baking dish from the oven.

Sprinkle Garlic Powder over the butter.  How much you use depends on how garlicky you want your potatoes to be.

Cover the melted butter generously with the grated parmesan cheese and place your potato halves cut-side-down on top of the cheese.

Place into the oven for about 40-45 minutes until cooked through.

Remove the baking dish from the oven and allow the potatoes at least 5 minutes to cool, otherwise the parmesan crust won’t stick to your potatoes.

Serve with sour cream and chives if desired.

This recipe is the adaptation of a recipe found at

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