These crunchy little devils are addictive, and I am way too guilty of dunking more than my fair share in a cup of tea or coffee. I made them Sunday afternoon while the kids watched Brave – twice! What a great movie. I wasn’t really interested in seeing it, but it turned out to be really captivating, and a great mums and daughters movie. I’m glad I put it on in the family room so I could see it from the kitchen while I baked school snacks. And when it was finished these coconut biscuits kept the kids going until dinner time. They’re crispy on the outside and a little soft on the inside. The longer you cook them, the crunchier they get. But be careful, coconut burns quickly, and one minute they may look o.k., but turn your back for too long and they will be brown and taste burnt. I’m guilty of watching the first couple of trays, then getting side-tracked and burning the next couple. So set your timer!
Crisp Coconut Biscuits
125g Softened Butter
1 Cup Caster Sugar (I used regular)
1 Egg
1 1/2 – 1 3/4 Cups Self-Raising Flour
Pinch Salt
1 Cup Dessicated Coconut
Caster Sugar, extra
Preheat your oven to 180C.
Cream butter and sugar until combined, and add egg.
Add sifted flour, salt and coconut.
Roll into balls.
Dip one side of biscuit ball into extra sugar and place on baking paper on biscuit tray, sugar side up.
If you like, you can gently press your biscuits with a fork, but I find you get a nice cookie look to them if you don’t flatten them.
Allow room for spreading.
Bake for 10-15 minutes.
Dunk in a nice hot cuppa!
Cool on a tray and store in an airtight container.