Citrus Tart


securedownload (38)1 Store bought tart base, or 1 batch of this base recipe


4 Egg Yolks (I freeze the whites in snap-lock bags for later use)

Juice of 3 small limes (about 1/2 Cup)

Juice of 1 medium sized Lemon ( about 1/4 Cup)

1 tsp Lime Zest

1/2 tsp Lemon Zest

1 Can Sweetened Condensed Milk (I used lite)

1/2 Cup Sour Cream (again, I used lite)

Whipped Cream or Ice-Cream to serve (completely optional, but highly recommended!)


Prepare your tart base as per packet instructions, or whip up your own base using the above recipe.

Preheat your oven to 160C.

Combine all filling ingredients in a medium sized mixing bowl and whisk until smooth.

Pour into prepared tart base and place into the oven for 15 minutes until filling is set.

If the top of your tart starts to caramelize you have left it in slightly too long, and remove immediately.

Let the tart cool to room temperature, or place into the fridge to speed things up (Yes, that’s what I do)

Once chilled, slice and serve with whipped cream or ice-cream on the side.  This kind of breaks the tartiness a little, but if you’re like me and you like the twang of citrus, serve as-is.

Source of Original Recipe:

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